martes, 10 de julio de 2007

la canción: "no train to stockholm"

En Estocolmo sí que hace frío y hay olas polares. Y, dice Lee
Hazlewood, no hay un tren que te lleve allí.
Esta es una versión que hace el noruego Erlend Oye, parte de la banda
Kings Of Convenience. Está bien, no será sueco, pero conoce bien

"No Train to Stockholm", Lee Hazlewood.

One night Johnny sang the truth to me
on an unknown bound train from Tennessee.
Taught me all the letters in alone
Singing freedom is what you think it is,
but there ain't no train to Stockholm.
Received your invitation to the war.
I sent it back, so please don't send no more.
I'd rather lie in some jail all alone.
Singing freedom is what you think it is,
but there ain't no train to Stockholm.
If I had to ride this train a hundred years
and all I had to drink is my own tears,
I wouldn't kill for you or on my own.
Singing freedom is what you think it is,
but there ain't no train to Stockholm.
Governements and politicians, too.
There's lots of people feel the way we do.
A hundred millions of us can't be wrong.
Singing freedom is what you think it is,
but there ain't no train to Stockholm.

El video es de la canción original de Lee. Y es tan lindo como la canción.

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